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Project Scope

Project Statement of Purpose

We need an application to track what items are in our storage boxes so that we can easily find the items where we are change home decorations or doing projects like hobbies or home repairs.


ID Objective
OBJ1 Have an easy to use tracking system for storage containers
OBJ2 For the tracking system to assist in organizing items
OBJ3 Have an easy to update tracking method
OBJ4 Be able to use the tracking system easily from our phone
OBJ5 Share our solution for others to use

Project Assumportions

ID Assumptions
AS1 Initial version of the application will be contained within our secure home network with no outside access so will not require login or security. This will be enhanced in later versions.

Project Constraints

ID Constraints
CO1 Application can only be accessed from our home network

External Interactions

Context Level Dataflow Diagram

Context Level Dataflow Diagram

High Level Processes

ID High Level Process
HLP1 Track Storage Container
HLP2 Track Categories
HLP3 Track Items
HLP4 Track Items Location (which box it is in/belongs)
HLP5 Track if Items are in use (out of the designated box)


ID Term Definition