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Business Requirements

Business Process Requirements

Process Decomposition Diagram

Process Decomposition Diagram

Process List

  1. Track Storage Containers
  2. Add a Storage Container
  3. Edit a Storage Container
  4. List Storage Containers
  5. Get Storage Container Details
  6. Delete a Storage Container
  7. Track Categories
  8. Add a Category
  9. Edit a Category
  10. List Categories
  11. Get Category Details
  12. Delete a Category
  13. Track Items
  14. Add an Item
  15. Edit an Item
  16. List All Items
  17. Get Item Details
  18. Delete a Item

Process Details

Add a Storage Container

Process ID: BP1i

Detailed Description: Add a new Storage Container record.

External Agents Involved: User

What causes the process to occur?: The user requests to create a new record

What happens after the process is complete?: The record is stored persistently.

Business rules:

Data Attributes CRUD Source
storage container id C Unique Identifier of the Storage Container
storage container name C Name of the Storage Container
storage container label C Label on the Storage Container

Additional notes:

Information source:

Edit a Storage Container

Process ID: BP1ii

Detailed Description: Changed the values of the details of the Storage Container.

External Agents Involved: User

What causes the process to occur?: The user requests to change the record data.

What happens after the process is complete?: The Storage Container's data is changed in persistent storage.

Business rules: The unique identifier can NOT be changed.

Data Attributes CRUD Source
storage container id R Unique Identifier of the Storage Container
storage container name U Name of the Storage Container
storage container label U Label on the Storage Container

Additional notes:

Information source:

List Storage Containers

Process ID: BP1iii

Detailed Description: This returns a list of all Storage Containers

External Agents Involved: User

What causes the process to occur?: The user requests to get the record data.

What happens after the process is complete?: Data is presented.

Business rules:

Data Attributes CRUD Source
storage container id R Unique Identifier of the Storage Container
storage container name R Name of the Storage Container
storage container label R Label on the Storage Container

Additional notes:

Information source:

Get Storage Container Details

Process ID: BP1iv

Detailed Description: Retrieve the details of a Storage Container from persistent storage

External Agents Involved: User

What causes the process to occur?: The user requests to get the record data.

What happens after the process is complete?: Data is presented.

Business rules:

Data Attributes CRUD Source
storage container id R Unique Identifier of the Storage Container
storage container name R Name of the Storage Container
storage container label R Label on the Storage Container

Additional notes:

Information source:

Delete a Storage Container

Process ID: BP1v

Detailed Description: Remove the Storage Container record. Update any items in the Storage Container and make them no longer in a container.

External Agents Involved: User

What causes the process to occur?: The user requests to delete the record.

What happens after the process is complete?: The record is delete for local and persistent storage. Update all items with this storage_container_id to NULL for that value.

Business rules:

Data Attributes CRUD Source
storage container id D Unique Identifier of the Storage Container
storage container name D Name of the Storage Container
storage container label D Label on the Storage Container

Additional notes: Reminder that there needs to be update to the Items that are in the Storage Container that is being deleted.

Information source:

Add a Category

Process ID: BP2i

Detailed Description: Add a new Category record.

External Agents Involved: User

What causes the process to occur?: The user requests to create a new record

What happens after the process is complete?: The record is stored persistently.

Business rules:

Data Attributes CRUD Source
category id C Unique Identifier of the Category
category name C Name of the Category

Additional notes:

Information source:

Edit a Category

Process ID: BP2ii

Detailed Description:

External Agents Involved: User

What causes the process to occur?: The user requests to change the record data.

What happens after the process is complete?: The Category's data is changed in persistent storage.

Business rules:

Data Attributes CRUD Source
category id R Unique Identifier of the Category
category name U Name of the Category

Additional notes:

Information source:

List Categories

Process ID: BP2iii

Detailed Description: This returns a list of all Categories

External Agents Involved: User

What causes the process to occur?: The user requests to get the record data.

What happens after the process is complete?: Data is presented.

Business rules:

Data Attributes CRUD Source
category id R Unique Identifier of the Category
category name R Name of the Category

Additional notes:

Information source:

Get Category Details

Process ID: BP2iv

Detailed Description:

External Agents Involved: User

What causes the process to occur?: The user requests to get the record data.

What happens after the process is complete?: Data is presented.

Business rules:

Data Attributes CRUD Source
category id R Unique Identifier of the Category
category name R Name of the Category

Additional notes:

Information source:

Delete a Category

Process ID: BP2v

Detailed Description: Remove the Category record. This request requires that the user designate a new category that all items in the category, being deleted, are updated with the new category.

External Agents Involved: User

What causes the process to occur?: The user requests to delete the record.

What happens after the process is complete?: The record is delete for local and persistent storage.

Business rules:

Data Attributes CRUD Source
category id D Unique Identifier of the Category
category name D Name of the Category

Additional notes:

Information source:

Add an Item

Process ID: BP3i

Detailed Description: Add a new Item record.

External Agents Involved: User

What causes the process to occur?: The user requests to create a new record

What happens after the process is complete?: The record is stored persistently.

Business rules:

Data Attributes CRUD Source
item id C Unique Identifier of the Item
quantity C Number of Items
storage container id C Unique Identifier of the Storage Container that the item(s) are in
cateogry id C Unique Identifier of the Category that the item is.
in use C If the item is currently in use and out of the Storage Container

Additional notes:

Information source:

Edit an Item

Process ID: BP3ii

Detailed Description:

External Agents Involved: User

What causes the process to occur?: The user requests to change the record data.

What happens after the process is complete?: The Items's data is changed in persistent storage.

Business rules:

Data Attributes CRUD Source
item id R Unique Identifier of the Item
quantity U Number of Items
storage container id U Unique Identifier of the Storage Container that the item(s) are in
cateogry id U Unique Identifier of the Category that the item is.
in use U If the item is currently in use and out of the Storage Container

Additional notes:

Information source:

List All Items

Process ID: BP3ii

Detailed Description: This returns a list of all Items

External Agents Involved: User

What causes the process to occur?: The user requests to get the record data.

What happens after the process is complete?: Data is presented.

Business rules:

Data Attributes CRUD Source
item id R Unique Identifier of the Item
quantity R Number of Items
storage container id R Unique Identifier of the Storage Container that the item(s) are in
cateogry id R Unique Identifier of the Category that the item is.
in use R If the item is currently in use and out of the Storage Container

Additional notes:

Information source:

Get Item Details

Process ID: BP3iv

Detailed Description:

External Agents Involved: User

What causes the process to occur?: The user requests to get the record data.

What happens after the process is complete?: Data is presented.

Business rules:

Data Attributes CRUD Source
item id R Unique Identifier of the Item
quantity R Number of Items
storage container id R Unique Identifier of the Storage Container that the item(s) are in
cateogry id R Unique Identifier of the Category that the item is.
in use R If the item is currently in use and out of the Storage Container

Additional notes:

Information source:

Delete a Item

Process ID: BP3v

Detailed Description: Remove the Item record.

External Agents Involved: User

What causes the process to occur?: The user requests to delete the record.

What happens after the process is complete?: The record is delete for local and persistent storage.

Business rules:

Data Attributes CRUD Source
item id D Unique Identifier of the Item
quantity D Number of Items
storage container id D Unique Identifier of the Storage Container that the item(s) are in
cateogry id D Unique Identifier of the Category that the item is.
in use D If the item is currently in use and out of the Storage Container

Additional notes:

Information source:


Process Detail Template

Process ID: BP####

Detailed Description:

External Agents Involved:

What causes the process to occur?:

What happens after the process is complete?:

Business rules:

Data Attributes CRUD Source

Additional notes:

Information source:


Business Data Requirements


ID Entity Name Unique Identifier Number of Occurances Owner
EN1 Storage Container Storage Container ID 50 User
EN2 Category Category ID 10 User
EN3 Item Item ID 500 User

Entity Relationship Diagram

Entity Relationship Diagram

Entity Details

Storage Container

Name U M R Data Type / Length Valid Values Default Values Owner Definition
storage_container_id Y Y N int positive auto-increment database Storage Container Unique Identifier
storage_container_name Y N N string Any NULL user Name of the Storage Container
storage_container_label Y Y N string Any N/A user Label on the Storage Container
Attribute Validation and Defaults
Attribute Name Validation Default Comments
storage_container_id Auto-Incremented by Database
storage_container_name Length less 255 characters NULL
storage_container_label Length less 255 characters
Entity Pair Foreign Key Business Rule Type Comments
Storage Container
FK1 One-to-Many
Storage Container / Item
This relationship represents that the items are in the Storage Container


Name U M R Data Type / Length Valid Values Default Values Owner Definition
category_id Y Y N int positive auto-increment database Category Unique Identifier
category_name Y Y N string Not zero length string N/A user Name for the Category
Attribute Validation and Defaults
Attribute Name Validation Default Comments
category_id Auto-Incremented by Database
category_name Length less 255 characters N/A
Entity Pair Foreign Key Business Rule Type Comments
FK2 One-to-Many
Category / Item
This relationship represents that the items are of the Category


Name U M R Data Type / Length Valid Values Default Values Owner Definition
item_id Y Y N int positive auto-increment database Item Unique Identifier
item_name Y Y N string Not zero length string N/A user Name of the Item
quantity N Y N int positive 1 user Number of the items that are possessed
category_id N Y N int See below None database Category Unique Identifier of the Category of the Item
storage_container_id N Y N int See below NULL database Storage Container Unique Identifier of the Storage Container in which the Item belongs
in_use N Y N boolean N/A False user Whether or not the item is in-use i.e. not in the designated storage box
Attribute Validation and Defaults
Attribute Name Validation Default Comments
item_id Auto-Incremented by Database
item_name Length less 255 characters N/A
quantity Must be greater than 0 1
category_id Must have a value in the Category list
storage_container_id Must have a value in the Storage Container list
in_use False
Entity Pair Foreign Key Business Rule Type Comments
Storage Container
FK1 One-to-Many
Storage Container / Item
This relationship represents that the items are in the Storage Container
FK2 One-to-Many
Category / Item
This relationship represents that the items are of the Category

Design Area Scope

Design Plan

ID Requirement Description Business Priority
Technical Priority
(i.e. cost , time)
ODP1 Implemention of Category API H H 24 WH Phase 1
ODP2 Deploy Category API H H 8 WH Phase 1
ODP3 Implemention of Storage Container API H H 24 WH Phase 2
ODP4 Deploy Storage Container API H H 8 WH Phase 2
ODP5 Implemention of Item API H H 24 WH Phase 3
ODP6 Deploy Item API H H 8 WH Phase 3
ODP5 Implemention of UI H H 72 WH Phase 4
ODP6 Deploy UI H H 8 WH Phase 4

Implementation Phases

Phase Description of work
1 Category API
2 Storage Container API
3 Items API
4 User Interface

Use Cases

Use Case Diagram

Use Case Diagram

Use classes

ID User Class Tasks Concerns
UCL1 User Track Storage Containers
Track Categories
Track Items
Management of the Items and their Category and Storage Container